Contact us
Please email us here
Join us
It’s easy to join, and it’s free.
Grandmothers for Refugees welcomes all those who share our purpose. Those interested may register as a:
>> Grandmother, or a
>> Friend of Grandmothers, otherwise affectionately known as Frogs.
Email your information here
We do not share your personal information with others outside our movement. We will share it with others in your electorate unless you specifically request otherwise.
Donate by direct funds transfer to our bank account:
Name: Grandmothers
BSB: 083170
Account Number: 83 813 3480
Donations are spent on producing campaign materials such as banners, posters and flyers. Funds received also help to minimise costs of organising general meetings and participation in network events.
We do not accumulate reserve funds, preferring to pass on what is excess to our foreseeable needs to refugee support service agencies.
Please be aware that we do not have tax deductible status with the ATO.