Campaigns and Events

Grandmothers for Refugees are calling for the Minister for Home Affairs, Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Tony Burke, to urgently provide victims of the flawed Fast Track process with permanent protection visas.

Thousands of people have been living in limbo for more than 11 years because their claims were not properly assessed under the unfair Fast Track process introduced by the Abbott Government in 2014.

Contact politicians

>> Tony Burke here.
>> Senators and Members here.

Here is a sample letter when writing to politicians.


>> Read the flyer here.
Go to Resources to source the file for printing.

Learn more from these websites

>> Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law here
Asylum Insight here
Refugee Council of Australia here

Contact politicians

>> Senators and Members here.


>> Go to Resources to source the file for printing.

It’s not too late!!

>> Go here for information on how to STOP THE BILL.

A message from Sister Jane Keogh

“Every day Parliament I sit in the dark of the early hours in the street outside parliament house drawing attention to the plight of these vulnerable people. Right now, I am up to day 25 and continuing. Thank you to all you generous supporters, stretched beyond your limits, for multiple refugee and other vulnerable people, climate and justice causes. We each do the best we can. No effort goes unappreciated.“
(Read the full article on page 4 in the June Newsletter.)
Donations for this group go through the account: Brigidine Sisters
BSB: 062904. Account: 10602969. Reference: PNG

The history

2013 Kevin Rudd re-introduces
offshore detention in an attempt to win the September election.

2019 Refugees are moved against their will from Manus Island (PNG) to Port Moresby. They are now stranded in Port Moresby and are at risk of violent assault, robbery and starvation. About 50 refugees and asylum seekers remain there today with their wives and children.

Many of these men are so mentally and physically damaged by their treatment from the Australian government that they must be evacuated to Australia for medical treatment. Many were eligible for a second aborted Medivac operation, supported by Labor in Oppositiion, but stymied and abandoned.

In a secret agreement, the Morrison Government promised what is believed to be $80 million to the PNG government to ensure the welfare of the refugees in Port Moresby until 2025. It seems that none of this money has reached refugees since November last year.

Most of these people are ineligible to work and have no way of paying for their housing, food and medical needs. Providers are in debt because they have not received money for services they were supposed to supply to the refugees and asylum seekers.

Former ASIO Director-General and Defence chief confirmed on Sunday 11 February 2024 that “companies linked to suspected arms and drug smuggling, busting sanctions on Iran, corruption and bribery won massive government contracts, together worth well over $2 billion”. The Age 5/2/24

Call for access to safety net income and support for refugees and people seeking asylum

Australian Refugee Action Network (ARAN) letter-writing kit

Included in this kit is the information you need to create your own letters or use the proformas.

Previous Campaigns

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Refugee advocate Neil Para calls for amnesty to provide hope for refugee children

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Palm Sunday Walk for Justice and Peace

Sunday 24 March 2024

Justice for Refugees Palm Sunday actions and events will be held cross Australia on Sunday 24 March to raise public awareness of the injustices experienced by thousands of refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia.


Neil Para, the dedicated Refugee Freedom Walker, is urging policymakers to grant amnesty to 10,000 refugees still awaiting visas in Australia.
Para’s journey has seen him cover over 600 kilometres of his 1,000-kilometer Refugee Freedom Walk to Prime Minister Albanese’s electorate office in Sydney. His walk resonates with the struggles of 10,000 refugees who, after a decade of uncertainty, await permanent visas. This situation deeply affects families, limiting opportunities and keeping them separated. Nivash, Neil’s daughter, 15, pleads for help in a letter to Prime Minister Albanese.
Neil Para is advocating for permanent visas that would prevent these children from being left behind emphasising hope and a brighter future for every child, regardless of immigration status.
Here are Neil’s three requests:
1. Ensure that children born in Australia enjoy the same rights as other Australian children.
2. Grant Australian citizenship or permanent residency, with a pathway to citizenship, to all children who have attended Australian schools.
3. Include all remaining refugees living in Australia in the permanent visa process
announced by Andrew Giles on 13 February 2023.

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Petition to the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives

Congratulations on the outstanding effort in collecting almost 7000 signatures to our petition in support of those refugees at dire risk of being abandoned to hopelessness yet again. The hundreds of original petition pages have been bundled together for secure delivery to Canberra. We have asked for it to be tabled in the House of Representatives during Refugee Week, preferably on World Refugee Day, Tuesday 20 June 2023.

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Refugee Fridays

Read the campaign here.

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No Child Left Behind


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Justice and Freedom for Refugees Petition

May 2022

Read the Petition here.

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2022 Federal Election campaign

Read here.


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Removal of federal support from refugees medically transferred to Australia

Read here.

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Refugee treatment cruel, inhuman

Article from The Pakenham Gazette, 4 November 2020

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Human Rights Day 10 December

Read the Actions here.

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The Proposed Amendment to the Migration Act – Prohibited Items Bill / Mobile Phones Campaign

Read about this campaign here.

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Nobody Left Behind Campaign

Leaving no-one behind: Ensuring people seeking asylum and refugees are included in COVID-19 strategies.
Read about this campaign from the Refugee Council of Australia.•••
Refugee Rights <> Our Duty

Defending the rights of refugees is our freedom, right and duty.

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Campaign for Universal Rights:

The protection of refugee rights and the civil rights of Australians go hand in hand.

In joining the debate around the Good Friday refugee protest arrest and fines, Grandmothers for Refugees have resolved to:
• Keep our primary focus always on refugees.
• Make our defence of civil rights and the protesters an essential claim whilst making the defence of the rights of refugees the priority demand.
• Resist being drawn into the debate on civil liberties other than in a personal role as citizens.
• Write letters to the Editors and others with a focus on 
1. COVID-19 testing of detainees and transparency about their situations
2. Release of refugees in other countries as action to minimise cluster outbreaks of the virus
3. Risk to the family on Christmas Is from FIFO guards et al who do not quarantine
4. Ask for detail on what is happening for those accepted for the US – if acceptable to those countries, they should be acceptable to us.
5. Any other individual issues of concern.
• Chair, Grandmothers for Refugees, to submit Opinion piece as drafted for publication.

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Urgent income support for people seeking asylum during pandemic conditions

Background Information for letter writers
• Given their temporary and insecure visa status, many people on Bridging Visas are not able to find secure work – in the current COVID-19 crisis most of those who did have casual work or part-time work are now unemployed.
• People seeking asylum are not currently included in the income support arrangements that have been put in place as a COVID-19 crisis response.
• Without income support people cannot pay their rent or feed their families and must rely on charity and the goodwill of Australians for rent, food and healthcare to survive.
• Charity organisations and local community groups will be overwhelmed in the coming weeks and months due to COVID-19 economic and health impacts.
• The Federal Government has rightly responded to the COVID-19 economic crisis by providing income support for people who have no income – people seeking asylum must be included.     

PLEASE NOTE that this is focussed on people seeking asylum – people recognised as refugees on TPVs, SHEVs and Permanent Visas are eligible for the equivalent of Job Seeker payments – people on Bridging Visas are not eligible.


• Email and phone relevant politicians. 
IMPORTANT:  This approach is intended to generate pressure for change through the National COVID cabinet – to overturn the current  ‘destitution policy’ favoured by Minister Dutton and PM Scott Morrison.
• Email your local MP
• Email the Premier of your state
• Email Sally McManus – Secretary, Australian Trade Union.  Contact Form for the ACTU.

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Let Them Stay!
Network Campaign

Supports the release of the Sri Lankan Tamil family – Nades, Priya, Kopika (5) and Tharunicaa (3) – from Christmas Island and their safe resettlement in their Queensland home town of Biloela.

Federal Court hearing, September 2019

Federal Court hearing, September 2019

Illustration by Jack Chadwick

Illustration by Jack Chadwick