Home to Bilo team still fighting for change, 12 months since Nadesalingam family's return to Biloela. By Katrina Beavan, ABC News

Priya, Nades, Kopika and Tharnicaa are now re-established in the community, with a book deal to reveal more about their family's story later this year, limiting media interviews until then.

Home to Bilo campaigner and lawyer Simone Cameron says, "I think the success of the campaign comes down to the fact that we were able to humanise [the family] after such a sustained campaign by successive governments to dehumanise people who seek asylum by sea."

"There's still a lot of work to be done in that space, despite the fact that there's been some really great steps in the past 12 months."

Home to Bilo team still fighting for change, 12 months since Nadesalingam family's return to Biloela. By Katrina Beavan, ABC News