The lawyer who represented the Biloela family, Carina Ford, acknowledged that a situation like the one the Biloela family faced could arise again. Ford said that asylum seekers who arrived in Australia many years ago, have been granted bridging visas, found work and started families, all while languishing in various glacial, much criticised visa application cul de sacs, could find themselves detained, with their only hope being that the minister decides to grant them a visa.
To that end, earlier this month, Ford, who is also chair of the Law Council’s migration law committee, warned the Labor government that its problematic deportation bill “could see people rounded up to be removed”.
“This bill has huge ramifications. It’s very draconian and I’m actually a little shocked that it’s been presented,” Ford told Crikey after appearing at the Senate inquiry.
Is Labor trying to ‘out-Dutton Dutton’ on immigration detention? By Rebekah Holt, Crikey