So many questions for Home Affairs. By Abul Rizvi, Pearls & Irritations

Biloela Family - Media reports suggest the Government has spent almost $40 million in detaining this family and taking legal action against it. How much have we actually spent and what further costs are expected? How has this spending furthered the public interest? Why didn’t the department just leave the family in Biloela until all legal issues had been resolved?……………………… …….The current detainees on Manus and Nauru have been there for eight years at a cost of billions of dollars. Has DHA done a full analysis of the costs and the further expected costs? Why has DHA not resolved this situation earlier and saved the taxpayer a fortune? Why don’t we accept the New Zealand offer to re-settle these refugees and immediately close Manus and Nauru detention centres?….

So many questions for Home Affairs. By Abul Rizvi, Pearls & Irritations